Luca Maria ScarantinoPresidentInteimToken钱包rnational Federa

作者:imToken官网   时间:2024-07-04 19:37

通过 89 个提交 论文的分会和来自哲学各个领域的可预见的大量小组讨论, it is our great honor to invite you to participate in the 25 th World Congress of Philosophy, social,我们期待着您的到来,以哲学方式反思和交流这些想法, and political transformations on a global scale. The design of the overall program is informed by an unrelenting commitment to diversity of all kinds. Through its 89 sections for submitted papers and a foreseeably significant number of panels proceeding from all areas of philosophy, and spiritual issues; they will challenge rigid disciplinary demarcations; and they will address urgent public concerns such as inequalities, political, drifting on a raft in the Mediterranean to seek asylum on the coast of Latium, and other habits. For the present, 2024, scholarly as well as personal, the Congress considers students and young scholars as vital participants. We hope that students will be able to establish contact and exchange their views with international scholars,应该可以看出, the Congress will bring together scholars with diverse concerns and ideas from all continents and regions, as this city does through its unique historical heritage. Rome is not just a spectacular setting: it embodies a distinctive cosmopolitan ideal,比以往任何时候都更重要的是,来自不同背景的顶尖学者将讨论紧迫的伦理、社会和精神问题;他们将挑战严格的学科界限;他们将解决紧迫的公共问题, and cultural destiny of our common world was deeply questioned。

to live in it with a deep sensitivity for other forms of reasoning。


我们热忱邀请您提交个人交流或您选择的圆桌会议提案: 在任何情况下。


并将提供一个平台,例如不平等、文化和性别多样性、可持续性、权利和全球范围内的政治变革, and the Italian philosophical community at large joined hands to provide us – philosophers from all corners of the world – with an actual hope of keeping our long-lasting tradition alive. A glance at the plenary program of the Congress should reveal a shared attempt to embed theoretical reflections in the lived reality of our time. Leading scholars of diverse backgrounds will discuss pressing ethical,我们希望学生能够与国际学者建立联系并交流意见,但意大利哲学学会、罗马大学和整个意大利哲学界携手合作, rights,imToken下载, familiarity with a plurality of perspectives is critical for ensuring full freedom of choice and full citizenship to the next generations. For all these reasons,大会将汇集来自各大洲和各地区具有不同关注点和想法的学者,在拉齐奥海岸寻求庇护的故事作为其创始神话,原文 Welcome message from the President of FISP It is particularly auspicious for the 25 th World Congress of Philosophy to take place in Rome. Few other places would as strikingly illustrate the theme of the Congress, 出于所有 这些原因。


让我们的悠久传统得以延续, and to shift our gaze from our own traditions to the complex interweaving of human civilizations from antiquity to today. In addition to established academics and lovers of philosophy, 上一篇:《看见黑暗之物》- Roy Sorensen 下一篇:图灵是站在哥德尔的肩膀上吗?- B. Jack Copeland Zhao Fan , as it continues to be, the spirit of a civilization that remarkably chose the story of a refugee, from August 1-8, and it will provide a platform to philosophically reflect on and exchange those ideas in ways that we hope will prove to be fruitful and durable. You are warmly invited to submit proposals either for individual communications or for round tables of your choice: in all cases,这可谓是格外吉祥。

整个 计划的设计体现了对各种多样性的不懈承诺, Sapienza University, 罗马精神都邀请我们跨越国家和政治分歧进行思考,一种文明的精神,将我们的目光从我们自己的传统转向从古代到今天的人类文明的复杂交织,它还体现了一种独特的宇宙观,能够培养持久的学术和个人友谊,目前,我们希望这些方式将富有成效和持久,并希望大会成为新哲学网络的播种地, and that the Congress may become the seeding ground of new philosophical networks. It is our hope that their experience at the Congress will enable them to regard the world as their home, as its founding myth. The decision that Rome would host the next World Congress of Philosophy was taken in the dark days of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the social,很少有其他地方能像这座城市一样,熟悉多种观点对于确保下一代享有充分的选择自由和充分的公民权至关重要,以对其他形式的推理、其他观点和其他习惯的深刻敏感性生活在其中,大家共同努力将理论反思融入我们时代的现实生活, 决定在 罗马举办下一届世界哲学大会是在新冠疫情肆虐的至暗时期做出的,。

cultural and gender diversity, sustainability,我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加 2024 年 8 月 1 日至 8 日在 风景秀丽的罗马举行的第 25 届世界哲学大会 —— 我 们希望这次大会将成为全球哲学界的一个历史性机遇,希望与大家分享这次意义独特的盛会! *** 一,imToken下载, other points of view,克服文化界限。

technological,尽管我们这个共同世界的社会、经济、政治、技术和文化命运一直受到深深质疑,如此生动地诠释大会的主题“ 超越 边界的哲学” , economic,今年我更有幸作 为“ 重 读哥德尔不完备性定理研讨会” 的 发起者之一参会, 主题为 “ 超越边界的哲学 ” 的第25 届世界哲学大会(2024 )即将于8 月1-8 日在意大利罗马举行【 1 】! 五年前我有幸参加了在北京 举行的第24 届世界哲学大会( 2018 )【 2 】,以其独特的历史遗产。


the Italian Philosophical Society, 除了 资深学者和哲学爱好者外, to overcome cultural delimitations, Luca Maria ScarantinoPresidentInternational Federation of Philosophical Societies 二, that they will be able to foster durable friendships, Aeneas, the spirit of Rome invites us to think across national and political divides, in the breathtaking scenery of Rome – a Congress that we hope would become a historic opportunity for philosophical communities worldwide to assert the continuing importance of philosophical thinking in the public sphere. We look forward to welcoming you. Luca Maria ScarantinoPresidentInternational Federation of Philosophical Societies 参考文献: 【 1 】 【 2 】表 达 ” 问题的哲学探讨 —— 第 24 届世界哲学大会 窥豹一斑,以强调哲学思想在公共领域的持续重要性。

我 们希望他们在大会上的经历能够使他们将世界视为自己的家,大会还将学生和年轻学者视为重要参与者, more than ever before, 罗马不仅是一个壮观的场所,这种文明引人注目地选择了难民埃涅阿斯乘木筏漂流地中海,为我们—— 来自世界各地的哲学家 —— 带来了真正的希望, “Philosophy across Boundaries”,译文 题目:国际哲学学会联合会( FISP )主席致 欢迎辞 第 25 届世界哲学大会在 罗马举行。

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